January 21, 2013
The ATT continues to grow. The South Durham section (south of I-40) is complete all the way from the Chatham County line north to Southpoint. This section of the trail is now paved. Paved trail exists from Southpoint through most of the Chatham section - about 7 miles in all. And of course the trail continues through Chatham and into Wake County for another 7 miles or so as an unpaved section. If you're a road cyclist, it is possible to avoid the ever-increasing traffic in Southern Durham County all the way to New Hope Church Road, where you can exit onto much quieter rural roads east of Jordan Lake. With a trail bike, it's quite a workout just down to the end and back - almost 30 miles. The trail comes into Southpoint in between the two main shopping areas (the outdoor stores at the Target end to the west and the Streets and Mall to the east. There has always been a bike path along Renaissance Parkway, so starting there provides ample parking and easy access to the trail. And when you're all done, there are plenty of places to quench your thirst of grab a bite to eat. Now, it's just a matter of time (months) until the bridge over 40 is complete. Can't wait!
Posted by Kevin Kirk.
January 8, 2012
If you're a regular exerciser (and chances are if you are reading this website you already exercise), then you probably know what is about to follow - that exercise gives you more health benefits than any medicine (or large number of medicines) you can take. The News & Observer is running a five part series this week on that theme. The first article published today does a wonderful job of summarizing the wide variety of benefits you get from being active. Many of the ideas in the article ...
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Posted by Kevin Kirk.
February 21, 2011
Late last fall Duham unveiled another wonderful trail for outdoor exercise. The Third Fork Creek trail runs from Garrett Road Park on Garrett Road (across from Jordan High) north to Martin Luther King Freeway. The total length of the trail is about 3 miles (one way). This trail is very flat and surprisingly isolated, given that it runs very close to several neighborhoods that are quite large - like Hope Valley Farms. At present, parking is available at the Garrett Park terminus, but not a...
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Posted by Kevin Kirk.
September 21, 2010
Rest is an important part of being healthy and fit. Rest includes recovery from exercise and, of course, a good night's sleep. Here's an article that highlights a study that showed improved sleep habits when beginning an exercise program:
http://www.genengnews.com/industry-updates/aerobic-exercise-relieves-insomnia/93992915/ Continue reading...
Posted by Kevin Kirk.
July 10, 2010
I spend a lot of time kidding clients who are struggling to learn a new exercise that we're "building bigger brains." Here's an article that covers some of the research on the subject. Boost your Noggin!
http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/07/07/your-brain-on-exercise/?src=me&ref=general Continue reading...
Posted by Kevin Kirk.
July 4, 2010
Here's an article, not particularly in depth, that emphasizes that eating too little can be counterproductive to your weight loss goals. Our opinion: exercise is better than dieting!
http://www.everydayhealth.com/weight/fewer-calories-stalls-metabolism.aspx Continue reading...
Posted by Kevin Kirk.
February 18, 2010
At some point or another, someone has told us or we have heard that eating a variety of color in our diet is great. Thats great, but many of us are still wondering what the good foods to eat in each color are. With that in mind, this slideshow article will give you multiple ideas for each color that you can put on your plate and make your meals a little more healthy.
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Posted by Kevin Kirk. Posted In : Healthy Eating
February 16, 2010
All diet plans or exercise regimines have run into this before. Everyone loves the idea of something new, but eventually there will come days where you don't feel good or don't feel like continuing for a couple days, or weeks. How do you avoid these days from destroying all the hard work that you put in?
If you are interested check this article out at
http://health.msn.com/fitness/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100254304 Continue reading...
Posted by Kevin Kirk. Posted In : Fitness Articles
February 15, 2010
What can we do to prevent the ailments of knee injuries as we go on in life? It seems like any activity early in life now is going to result in degenerative knee problems later on in life right? Wrong, this is a study that looks into how we can actually help ourselves from those arthritic type injuries. Perhaps even the most prevelent of those preventions is actually running. Surprising perhaps because it has always been said that running will ruin your knees; however, maybe you need to r...
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Posted by Kevin Kirk. Posted In : Fitness Research
February 11, 2010
Here is an ACSM response to the NY Times article in December that claimed exercise could be counterproductive to weight loss. Thoughtful and realistic.
http://www.multibriefs.com/briefs/acsm/active2-9.htm Continue reading...
Posted by Kevin Kirk.