Vibram Five Fingers

November 13, 2009

  Seeing how we are such big fans of five fingers by Vibram I thought it would only be fitting to put up here the link to their site and flash a picture of what they are.  I would highly encourage everyone to check them out and give them a try! 


H1N1 shot

November 12, 2009

This is not being put up here to scare you or worry you but we at functional fitness want you to be completely informed about this flu epidemic and all concerns with it.  That said, this article is about a boy who had the new H1N1 shot and then came down witha rare disease from it.  Again, this is not meant to scare, but merely to make you fully aware of all possibilities.

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How Much do you Know about Diabetes?

November 12, 2009
If you are curious about diabetes or just curious about how much you know about diabetes this is a great little quiz to take and test your diabetes IQ.  MSN also has some good links there for recipes and further information about diabetes.  The quiz wont take long at all so just take a few minutes from your day to arm yourself with some great knowledge.

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Health Food or Health Fraud

November 9, 2009

An interesting article looking at some supermarket favorites and how to really look at food labels to get the best food when you go grocery shopping.

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So How does the Wii Fit measure up?

November 6, 2009
A study of the actual workout you get from using the Wii Fit.  The study was done by the American Council on Exercise (ACE)  You might be surprised by the results.  Check it out asap!
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Cornbread & Sausage Stuffing

November 6, 2009

Here is a recipe that you can use in everyday or for a unique twist on the holidays.  I'm goin to try and post all kinds so you can get many different looks at healthier foods for life.

Let us know what you think.

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Exercising while Shopping

November 4, 2009
For those who find it hard sometimes to fit some exercise into their day this is a great article that will point out opportune times to maximize your time.  Exercising is possibe everyone in your day it is just how you look at it.  This is a really unique article and I would suggest checking it out.
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Healthy Holiday Cooking

November 4, 2009
Here are a few simple ideas for the holidays that are just around the corner.  This article will give you simple substitutions for cooking and it also has popular cooking ideas that you could use as well.
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What is Functional Fitness

November 4, 2009
This is for everyone that kind of knows what functional fitness is or thinks they remember what they were told.  The article is a brief overview of what this type of training entails and all that this gym can do for you.
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Barefoot Running/Training

November 2, 2009
This is a great article about the conversation between barefoot training and traditional shoe training.  Fell free t post about your feelings about the article and what your beliefs are.

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